Concept Rehab is offering the SNF Executive Academy of Excellence for SNF leaders to drive organizational change in key areas that impact clinical and financial outcomes and accelerate long-term strategic initiatives in an era driven by an ongoing pandemic.
This interactive executive education series is led by industry thought leaders from The Advisory Board, Concept Rehab, Engage Consulting and Transcend Strategy Group and is designed to help SNF leaders sharpen their lens on important metrics and technical aspects of a facility operation while also making strategic decisions to shift for a long-term vision. Administrators will deepen leadership skills through:
Analyzing key metrics and benchmarks that inform future decisions
Reviewing important accountability measures and staff skill development to drive quality
Analyzing cost and quality drivers to inform strategic initiatives and maximize ROI
Implementing actionable strategies for building census, staffing solutions, and long-range planning
Register for the next SNF Executive Academy
Running the next Academy in the Fall 2022, three 90-minute interactive courses will be offered with a library of resources and tools for Administrators. A total of 4.5 hours will be earned. Each course has been approved for Continuing Education for 1.5 participant hours by NAB/NCERS and contact hours for nurses.
Program Cost: 3 training modules & resource library is $250 per facility
Participants will deepen their skills to effectively manage the short and long range vision of a SNF with a focus on:
Course 1 | August 25th, 12:00 - 1:30
Assuring SNF Success in the Shifting Landscape of CMS Quality Initiatives and Changing Reimbursement
Presented By: Tammy Cassidy and Jennifer Napier from Engage Consulting
This interactive program provides administrators, owners, CFOs, CEOs and DONs with actionable strategies to meet the changing framework related to the SNF PPS Final Rule for 2023. In this session, leaders will understand implications of the future Quality Measure initiatives related to Value-Based Purchasing and identify strategies for clinical and financial success. This live webinar hosted by two well-know Clinical Reimbursement specialists will allow for question and answers and provide scenarios for immediate application in their operations.
- Understand how the framework for Quality Measures related to Value-Based Purchasing as well as the parity adjustments in the SNF Final Rule FY2023 will impact SNF operations
- Understand strategies for attracting and retaining top MDS talent in order to achieve accurate reimbursement and decrease open MDS positions
- Learn how to implement an effective feedback loop to determine if leadership skills are appropriately strong
Course 2 | September 7th, 12:00 - 1:30
Growth for the Future by The Advisory Board
Presented By: Monica Westhead from The Advisory Board
With Covid-19 accelerating long-term trends in the market and often diminishing occupancy levels, post-acute providers are facing an increasing amount of financial strain. We’ll discuss the ways different sites of care can drive value for all their core customers to regain volume in 2022 and beyond.
- Discuss the factors contributing to financial challenges during and after the Covid-19 pandemic
- Learn how market needs have changed and identify creative solutions to meet emerging needs
- Evaluate new strategies to successfully pitch programs to customers
Course 3 | September 20th, 12:00 - 1:30
The New Roadmap to Rebuilding Census
Presented By: Stephanie Johnston from Transcend Strategy Group and Morgan Bayer from Concept Rehab
This interactive program provides SNF leaders with actionable strategies to address census, staffing and referral needs to help providers rebuild census. In this session, leaders will understand implications of market dynamics as well as financial and inflation scenarios that impact post-acute operations. This live webinar hosted by two industry marketing professionals will dive into data insights and connect those findings with actionable strategies for reaching audiences and building awareness through the latest marketing practices.
- Understand current inflation and financial implications impacting today's post-acute care providers
- Understand the current dynamics of staffing, consumers, referrers and payor sources in order to shift under new demands
- Learn how to position company brand and marketing strategies to address today's challenges and reach key audiences using best practices with strategies and systems
Each individual MDS Academy Course is approved for 1.5 contact hours for nurses.
Concept Rehab, Inc. is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the Ohio Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. (OBN-001-91)